Showing posts with label Elizabeth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elizabeth. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

#14.1 Jesus and John the Baptist

#14.1 Jesus and John the Baptist

John was of the lineage of Aaron, who held the keys of the Aaronic Priesthood. Worthy male descendants down to the time of John the Baptist (JB) had that Priesthood conferred on them. Thus as a descendent of Aaron he held those keys and was authorized to function in the ordinances and duties of temple service. Both his mother Elizabeth and father Zacharias were descendants of Aaron.

JB was the last legal administrator, holding the priesthood keys and authority under the Mosaic dispensation. He was charged with several responsibilities:

1.      He came in the spirit of an Elias to prepare the way for Jesus to come to the earth to fulfill His mission, including the Atonement. An Elias is one called to prepare the way for a greater revelation from God. Jewish prophets had foretold of an Elias (Elijah) that would precede the coming of the Lord “in the spirit of Elias.” (Luke 1:17)
2.      JB was given the privilege to baptize the Redeemer, and would witness the Holy Ghost descend in the form of a dove attesting to the truth of the event.
3.      He was the only legal administrator on the earth in God's kingdom, holding the priesthood keys and power, and sanctioned by God the Father. His was the beginning of the dispensation of the Meridian of time. His authority came from God. JB would be the last legal administrator of the old Mosaic law and the first of the new. With him ended the old law and with him began the new era of promise … the past died and the future was born.

At this time the Jewish nation was under the oppressive rule of Rome. They had come to believe that heavenly visions and prophets were a thing of the past and no longer existed in Israel. They were well aware of the ancient prophecies of a Messiah to come and release them from bondage, and save them. Of course they were most anxious for this to happen and prayed and constantly looked for the Deliverer to come.

Zacharia, his father, was officiation in the temple one day when an angel (Gabriel) appeared to him. The angel told Zacharia his wife, who was barren of children to this time and well advanced in years, would bear a son who would be the prophesied forerunner to prepare the Jews to receive the Messiah who would soon come to earth. (Luke 1) The angel said the child must be named John; he would be a blessing to the people, great in the sight of the Lord; he was to drink neither wine nor strong drink; would be filled with the Holy Ghost and bring many souls to God.   John would bring the first converts into the restored Church of Jesus Christ.

The Holy Ghost fell upon John before he was born, while still in his mother's womb … a miracle that was apparently part of our Father's plan and preparation for Johns calling. He was ordained by the angel of God when he was eight days old with the power to overthrow the kingdom of the Jew's and prepare them to receive the Lord “in whose hands is given all power.” The gospel writer Mark tells us that Jesus' coming was “the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God” coming again to the earth.

Zacharia and Elizabeth were devout Jews. They observed the Mosaic laws and commandments and John was so raised. John was about 6 months old when Herod's edict went out to destroy all male children born back to the time of Jesus' birth. His mother took the baby John into the mountains to save him. John did not thus spend his youth in the synagogues and temple courts, but in the desert wilderness where he was prepared by the Lord for his mission. The word of God came to John in the wilderness.

We know that John was baptized at eight years of age. John “waxed strong in spirit” and became a tower of strength. At age 30 he began his mission of calling the people to repentance, preaching the gospel, and telling them to prepare for the Lord's coming which was imminent.

Because of the unusual circumstances of John's birth, the event would be well known throughout Judea:

1.      The annunciation by the angel Gabriel to Zacharias in the temple.
2.      The crowds that recognized Zacharias had seen a vision while therein.
3.      Zacharias being struck dumb but still able to communicate to them what had happened.
4.      His parents being years past time for having children and John being their firstborn.
5.      Zacharias regaining his speech when John is born and given the name John.

Herod knew of John's birth around the time of Jesus' birth and wanted the child killed. When Zacharias refused to tell where the child was Herod had him slain. Later Herod also had John killed.

Glenn R. McGettigan