Thursday, January 17, 2019

Supplement to #13 Jesus and the Meridian of Time

Supplement to #13 Jesus and the Meridian of Time

Boyhood of Jesus

Many different and varied beliefs, ideas and opinions were I existence among the Jewish and non-Jewish leadership, society and general public at this time … a huge melting pot of new and ancient thoughts, practices, and peoples. Many of these not only did not mix well together, but strongly opposed one another. When Jesus entered onto the scene He was as a new lightening rod in the overall society from the top to the bottom. Skousen: By time of Christ Jews are scattered over much of the known world.
Jews at the time of Christ

Roman empire is at its maximum over the European world area. England to middle east and Mediterranean area and is starting its decline. Maximum state of evil, immortality, etc.
Prophecy … Jesus begins his ministry among people in the … “more wicked part of the world” … “no other nation on earth would crucify their God” … “because of their iniquities, destructions, famines, pestilences and bloodshed shall come upon them” … and they shall be destroyed and scattered. (Skousen p. 161) (2 Nephi 10:3-6)


Romans, Greek and various other populations well established in the same land and they had their events, celebrations, activities, etc. which they kept. The Romans also had their military presence of troops, posts, training, sporting circuses, etc., plus government forces at many levels and locations as required. (p.30)

Many centuries of Jewish history, culture, and society, religious and secular laws and regulates and faithful obedience to the law of Moses.

Howick: The Jewish leaders would never consider Jesus as the Messiah because they only; pictured things as it will be when He comes the second time in all His glory and power to judge and bring this earth and its purpose to a close.

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