Wednesday, December 19, 2018

#34 Peter's Wife's Mother Healed

#34 Peter’s Wife’s Mother Healed
Please first read: Matthew 8:14-17; Mark 1:29-34; Luke 4:38-41

It is the evening of the Sabbath and appears to have been a busy day for Jesus and those with him in the Synagogue. Upon arriving at Peter’s home they find Peter’s mother-in-law sick in bed with a “great fever.” The Lord takes her hand, she arises well, and proceeds as hostess to the guests in her house.

So many healings by the Lord were people he had not seen on earth before. This was an instance of a close personal acquaintance who knew and loved him.

Scholars often, when translating this scriptural account from the Greek, write it as a “burning fever.” This area of Capernaum is noted for its marshy land and the fevers that it causes. Joseph Smith in his translation of Mark 19:27 and Luke 4:38 tells us it was a “great fever,” and the family or others had been out seeking Jesus to come heal Peter’s mother-in-law; so it might have been more serious than just a mild sickness.

The King James version of the bible tells us that Peter, one of the Lord’s closest disciples, has a wife. As Elder Bruce R. McConkie reminds us, “Jesus’ special selected disciples were married men with wives and children of their own. Such is the Lord’s program in all ages.”

Miracles … healings, casting out of evil spirits … were performed for believers only … there must be faith present. Miracles always attract people, but especially so at this time in the society and culture of these Jewish people. (JST Matthew 4:22) Great multitudes came from near and far to see and follow the One who could Heal. The scriptures tell us that Jesus traveled “about all Galilee.” With the number of well-peopled cities there, it would take time, maybe several months to do all this. His well-publicized miracles would attract multitudes who would then hear the Master’s teachings.

The attending crowd would be increased at even-time. All the city comes to the home bringing with them many sick with diseases and possessed of devils; and with his word he heals all and casts out the evil spirits. Healing on the Sabbath was absolutely forbidden by the Jewish rulers … that was considered working on the Sabbath. With the evening and the end of the Sabbath day, people could bring their afflicted to be healed without incurring the wrath of their leaders.

As we have seen before, the evil spirits and devils recognize and know Jesus is the Son of God and attempt to testify of Him … He forbids them to speak. The time will come when the Jewish leaders will unsuccessfully insist the Lord does these miraculous things by the power of Satan.

Glenn R. McGettigan
February 2015


“Doctrinal New Testament Commentary.” Volume 1. McConkie
“Jesus the Christ.” Talmage
“Companion to Study of the New Testament: Four Gospels.” Ludlow  
“Life of Christ.” Geikie
“Days of the Living Christ.” Volume 1. Skousen    
“Behold the Messiah.” Matthews    
“Miracles of Jesus the Messiah.” Howick
“Our lord of the Gospels.” J.R. Clark       

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