Showing posts with label Baptism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baptism. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

#16 The Baptism of Jesus

#16 The Baptism of Jesus
Author’s note: It would be easy to include information about baptism in general here; however, my purpose is to try and limit comments and observations to those pertinent to the specific baptism of our Savior.

  Matthew 3 and JST Mathew 3
  Mark 1 and JST Mark 1
  Luke 3 and JST Luke 3
  John 1; 1 Nephi 11; 2 Nephi 31; D & C Section 93

Jesus comes to John the Baptist (JB) to be baptized. It is now time for him to begin his ministry on earth; he has been prepared by the Father and now at age thirty qualifies under Jewish law to teach and be heard. Jesus knew JB was the only legal administrator there with the authority to perform baptisms. John, knowing by the Spirit who Jesus was, objected at first.  Jesus explains to John the need for authority (John holds the Aaronic Priesthood) and for all things to be done in proper order. Jesus must so likewise be obedient and be baptized to “fulfill all righteousness.” John then baptizes Jesus.

“To fulfill all righteousness:”

Jesus was the one sinless person. Jesus did not need to have any sins forgiven; however, as he himself said, it was necessary for him to be baptized. Nephi gives us four reasons as to how and why he did this:

     1. He humbled himself before the Father.
     2. He showed obedience and covenanted to keep the commandments.
     3. Baptism is required of all to enter the Celestial Kingdom.
     4. Jesus was to set the example for all to follow.

All who attain the Celestial Kingdom will, like Jesus, need to “fulfill all righteousness,” which means to perform every ordinance, keep the commandments, and do all else the Father requires to attain eternal life. None but Jesus is perfect in this life, but as we strive to live righteously, continue to repent, and endure to the end, the Atoning Sacrifice of our Savior will make up for where we fall short.

When we enter the waters of baptism we symbolize the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ.  Just so also when Jesus was baptized did this portend of the Atonement, when Jesus would open the doors of the resurrection for all of God's earthly children.

As Jesus went forth with his ministry he taught all to follow him ... “What manner of men ought ye to be? ... even as I am.” 3 Nephi 27:27. When we enter the waters of baptism we commit and proclaim to the world identification with Christ in his death, burial, and resurrection. We bind ourselves to him in whose name we are baptized.

The King James version of the Bible says when Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens opened unto Him and he saw the Spirit of God descending, and heard the voice of the Father from heaven, saying, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” The Joseph Smith translation says John the Baptist saw and heard these things too. Also, that the Father said, “in whom I am well pleased. Hear ye him.” As Jesus “went up straightway out of the water” John saw the heavens open, he beheld the manifestations of the Holy Ghost, and he heard the voice of the Father testifying of the divinity of his Son. We are not told whether any of the multitude also saw or heard these things. I cannot help but feel this was the Father's announcing his Son to the world, “Hear ye Him.” These additional words given in the JST would add strength to John's testimony of Jesus as the Son of God.

“The Sign of the Dove:”

Prophet Joseph Smith:

“The sign of the dove was instituted before the creation of the world, a witness for the Holy Ghost, and the devil cannot come in the sign of the dove. The Holy Ghost is a personage, and is in the form of a personage. It does not confine itself to the form of the dove, but in sign of the dove. The Holy Ghost cannot be transformed into a dove; but the sign of a dove was given to John to signify the truth of the deed, as the dove is an emblem or token of truth and innocence.”  (Teachings of Joseph Smith p.275-276)

It thus appears that John witnessed the sign of the dove, that he saw the Holy Ghost descend in the “bodily shape” of the personage that he is, and that the descent was “like a dove.” (Apostle Bruce R. McConkie)

Also, of interest is the fact that all four gospel writers record this event with the words, “like a dove.” This is not the case with many of the recorded events about Jesus.

We also see plainly here the three separate members of the Godhead; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost in the same place and at the same time, separately.

Glenn R. McGettigan
February 2012; Revised April 2014


“Scriptural Teachings of Prophet Joseph Smith.” Smith / Galbraith
“Doctrinal New Testament Commentary.”  McConkie
“Companion Study of New Testament.”  Ludlow
“Teachings of Prophet Joseph Smith.”
“Our Lord of the Gospels.” Clark
“Jesus the Christ.” Talmage
“Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ.” Holzapfel and Wayment
“LDS Bible Dictionary.”
“Vines Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words.”
“Biblical Archeological Review.” March 1992 Jesus / Baptism / Dead Sea Scrolls
“Latter Day Prophets and Doctrine Covenants.” Volume 1. Whitney
“Journal of Discourses” Volume 2. Grant
“Commentary on the Book of Mormon.” Volume’s 1 & 2. Reynolds & Sjodahl
“Answers to Gospel Questions.” Volume 2. Smith


#15 John Preaches and Baptizes

#15 John Preaches and Baptizes
Please First Read: John 1:19-28
Matthew, Mark, Luke as noted herein

The entire Jewish nation had long been waiting in anticipation for the Messiah and his Elias (forerunner) to come. When John the Baptist (JB) began preaching and warning that this was now beginning to take place, large numbers of people came to see. It was said that Jerusalem and all Judea were going out to see and hear him. Converts are being baptized in increasing numbers and throngs of Jews are following John.

This quickly comes to the attention of the leaders of the great Sanhedrin, and they send their priests and Levites to investigate, question, and test JB as to who he is and why he is doing this. There has been no authorization or preapproval given by these Jewish leaders.

To their questions John replies he is not the Messiah, but he is the forerunner, the promised Elias, who is now sent to prepare the way for the Messiah who is on his way. John says he is the voice of one crying in the wilderness to make ready for the Lord. He holds the Aaronic Priesthood and has been sent by God to baptize with water and make ready a people for the Messiah. This Messiah is coming in the power and authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood and will baptize both with water and the Spirit. John tells the people and those sent to question him that the Messiah now stands among you and ye know him not, but you soon will. He shall bring the fullness of the Gospel and restore all things. (“Doctrinal New Testament Commentary” Volume 1, Bruce R. McConkie, p.128-130. “Our Lord of the Gospels” J. R. Clark, p.183-189.)

Holzapfel and Wayment:

The appearance of JB is sudden and ushers in a radical transformation of the religious, social, and political activities and forces within the Jewish nation. The coming of one claiming to be a prophet after nearly 500 years with the heavens closed is certainly dramatic. The people arewell aware of the Old Testament prophets who have testified of this time to come.

John is calling all to repent. The Greek word for repent means literally “to change one's mind,” and his call is for a complete change of heart and behavior, and to forsake and return to God.   His preaching is very direct and accusatory against them and their present political and religious leaders. In fact, he challenges and denounces the authority they claim to have from God, and condemns their behavior. (Volume 1 p.160-180)

“Luke emphasizes the fact that the Jews must make a fresh start because they had, through sin, forfeited their status as the ‘children of Abraham.’”  (JST Luke 3:13)

Among the Jewish leaders themselves there were a number expecting and waiting for a new prophet to arise, followed by the coming Messiah. Many of these journeyed to hear John, accepted his message, and were baptized. (JST Matthew 1:33; Mark 1:3,4,5; Luke 3:12)                                  

Apostle Bruce R. McConkie:

John the Baptist was “filled with the Holy Ghost from his mother's Womb,” was ordained by God when 8 days old, and empowered then to over-throw the kingdom of the Jews. He was to make straight the way of the Lord before the face of his people, and to prepare them for the coming of the Lord.  (D & C 84: 27-28)

“There was a tradition among the Jews ... that when the Messiah came he would cry repentance, and the new kingdom would be ushered in by a great movement of reformation. John's preaching was so persuasive, so powerful, that great hosts flocked to him from Jerusalem and all Judea.” (p.425-434)

Suggested additional reading:

Apostle James E. Talmage's book, “Jesus the Christ,” written by assignment from the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and first published in 1915, is a beautiful account of John, “the voice in the wilderness,” pages 121-125. Reading it will be a bright spot in your day.

Glenn R. McGettigan
March 2012; Revised May 2014